${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ (Stop) mass limit

Limits depend on the decay mode. In ${{\mathit e}^{+}}{{\mathit e}^{-}}$ collisions they also depend on the mixing angle of the mass eigenstate ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ = ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{L}}}}$cos $\theta _{\mathit t}$ $+$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{R}}}}$sin$\theta _{\mathit t}$. The coupling to the ${{\mathit Z}}$ vanishes when $\theta _{\mathit t}$ = $0.98$. In the Listings below, we use $\Delta \mathit m$ ${}\equiv$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}–{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ or $\Delta \mathit m$ ${}\equiv$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}–{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \nu}}}}$, depending on relevant decay mode. See also bounds in “${{\widetilde{\mathit q}}}~$(Squark) MASS LIMIT.''
Some earlier papers are now obsolete and have been omitted. They were last listed in our PDG 2014 edition: K. Olive, $\mathit et~al.$ (Particle Data Group), Chinese Physics C38 070001 (2014) (http://pdg.lbl.gov).

R-parity conserving ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ (Stop) mass limit

$> 1430$ 95 1
CMS ${{\mathit \gamma}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop13, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1170 GeV
$> 1150$ 95 2
CMS ${}\geq{}$ 1 ${{\mathit \tau}^{\pm}}$ + $\not E_T$, Tstop16, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV
$> 480$ 95 3
CMS 1 high-${{\mathit p}_{{{t}}}}$ jet, 1 low-${{\mathit p}_{{{t}}}}$ e or ${{\mathit \mu}}$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}–{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV
$> 700$ 95 3
CMS 1 high-${{\mathit p}_{{{t}}}}$ jet, 1 low-${{\mathit p}_{{{t}}}}$ e or ${{\mathit \mu}}$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}–{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 80 GeV
$> 480$ 95 4
CMS 2 or 3 ${{\mathit \ell}}$ (soft), $\not E_T$; Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 30 GeV
$> 540$ 95 4
CMS 2 or 3 ${{\mathit \ell}}$ (soft), $\not E_T$; Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 30 GeV
$> 1400$ 95 5
ATLS ${{\mathit \tau}^{\pm}}$ + jets + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop5, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}_{{{1}}}}}$ = 1200 GeV
$> 1200$ 95 6
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 710$ 95 6
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 580 GeV
$> 640$ 95 6
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 580 GeV
$> 1000$ 95 7
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 600$ 95 7
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 500 GeV
$> 550$ 95 7
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 500 GeV
$\bf{> 1310}$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 300 GeV
$> 1170$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 100 GeV
$> 1150$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1 (50$\%$) or Tstop2 (50$\%$), ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 100 GeV
$> 640$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 50 GeV
$> 620$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop3, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 60 GeV
$> 740$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 80 GeV
$> 720$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, 40 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$> 595$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV
$> 630$ 95 8
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop4, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 20 GeV
$\text{none 200 - 920}$ 95 9
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$\text{none 250 - 810}$ 9
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1300$ 95 9
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}+{{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}=({\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \ell}}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$- ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2 + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$\text{none 400 - 1180}$ 95 9
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}+{{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}=({\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \ell}}}}$ = 0.05 (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$- ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$) + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ =0
$> 1400$ 95 9
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}+{{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}=({\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \ell}}}}$ = 0.95 (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$- ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$) + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ =0
$> 1325$ 95 10
CMS ${}\geq{}$ 2 jets + $\not E_T$ + 0,1,2 ${{\mathit \ell}}$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1150$ 95 10
CMS ${}\geq{}$ 2 jets + $\not E_T$ + 0,1,2 ${{\mathit \ell}}$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 700 GeV
$> 1260$ 95 10
CMS ${}\geq{}$ 2 jets + $\not E_T$ + 0,1,2 ${{\mathit \ell}}$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1000$ 95 10
CMS ${}\geq{}$ 2 jets + $\not E_T$ + 0,1,2 ${{\mathit \ell}}$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$575 GeV
$> 1175$ 95 10
CMS ${}\geq{}$ 2 jets + $\not E_T$ + 0,1,2 ${{\mathit \ell}}$, Tstop1 (50$\%$) or Tstop2 (50$\%$), ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1000$ 95 10
CMS ${}\geq{}$ 2 jets + $\not E_T$ + 0,1,2 ${{\mathit \ell}}$, Tstop1 (50$\%$) or Tstop2 (50$\%$), ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ = 570 GeV
$\text{none 145 - 295}$ 95 10
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, $\vert {\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $−$ 175 GeV$\vert $ $<$ 30 GeV
$\text{none, 170 - 230}$ 95 11
ATLS ${{\mathit e}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \mu}^{\mp}}$ + ${}\geq{}1{{\mathit b}}$-jet, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0.5 GeV
$\text{none, 170 - 220}$ 95 11
ATLS ${{\mathit e}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \mu}^{\mp}}$ + ${}\geq{}1{{\mathit b}}$-jet, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 62 GeV
$> 1220$ 95 12
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ or 2 ${{\mathit b}}$-jets and $\not E_T$ , Tstop6, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$=900 GeV
$> 860$ 95 13
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ or 2 ${{\mathit b}}$-jets and $\not E_T$ , ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ with ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit Z}}$ , ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${{\mathit \Delta}}$m(${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$) = 40 GeV
$\text{none 400 - 1250}$ 95 14
ATLS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=0 GeV
$\text{none 300 - 660}$ 95 15
ATLS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=0 GeV
$> 765$ 95 16
ATLS same-sign ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}{{\mathit W}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}{{\mathit W}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $\sim{}{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$
$> 1200$ 95 17
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1175$ 95 17
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 425 GeV
$\text{none 230 - 1140}$ 95 17
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1100$ 95 17
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, 50 $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 425 GeV
$> 1070$ 95 17
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop8, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1050$ 95 17
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop8, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 350 GeV
$> 730$ 95 18
CMS same-sign ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ or ${}\geq{}3{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets, Tstop7, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 175 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ = 200 GeV, B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit H}}$) = 100$\%$
$> 890$ 95 18
CMS same-sign ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ or ${}\geq{}3{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets, Tstop7, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 175 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ = 200 GeV, B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit Z}}$) = 100$\%$
$> 760$ 95 18
CMS same-sign ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ or ${}\geq{}3{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets, Tstop7, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 175 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ = 200 GeV, B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit Z}}$) = B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit H}}$) = 50$\%$
$>1100$ 95 19
CMS ${{\mathit \tau}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \tau}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.5 (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$), ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}}}$ = 0.5 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ , ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$> 1110$ 95 20
CMS ${{\mathit \gamma}}$ + jets + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop13, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV
$> 1230$ 95 20
CMS ${{\mathit \gamma}}$ + jets + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop13, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 800 GeV
$> 1190$ 95 21
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$= 0 GeV
$> 1140$ 95 22
CMS 1 or 2 ${{\mathit \ell}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 200 GeV
$> 208$ 95 23
CMS ${{\mathit e}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \mu}^{\mp}}$ + ${}\geq{}1{{\mathit b}}$-jet, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$= 175 GeV
$> 235$ 95 23
CMS ${{\mathit e}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \mu}^{\mp}}$ + ${}\geq{}1{{\mathit b}}$-jet, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$= 182.5 GeV
$> 242$ 95 23
CMS ${{\mathit e}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \mu}^{\mp}}$ + ${}\geq{}1{{\mathit b}}$-jet, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$= 167.5 GeV
$> 940$ 95 24
ATLS 1${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 270$ 95 25
ATLS 1${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 20 GeV
$> 840$ 95 26
ATLS 1${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 10 GeV
$> 500$ 95 27
ATLS ${{\mathit c}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 100 GeV
$> 850$ 95 28
ATLS ${{\mathit c}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 390$ 95 29
ATLS ${}\geq{}$1 jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}\sim{}{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$
$> 430$ 95 30
ATLS ${}\geq{}$1 jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV
$> 1160$ 95 31
ATLS 2${{\mathit \ell}}$ (${}\geq{}$1 hadronic ${{\mathit \tau}}$) + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop5, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}}}\sim{}$800 GeV
$> 450$ 95 32
CMS 2${{\mathit \ell}}$ (soft) + $\not E_T$, Tstop10, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 40 GeV
$> 720$ 95 33
CMS ${}\geq{}3{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop7, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}} - {\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 175 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ = 200 GeV, BR( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit H}}$) = 100$\%$
$> 780$ 95 33
CMS ${}\geq{}3{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop7, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}} - {\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 175 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ = 200 GeV, BR( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit Z}}$) = 100$\%$
$> 710$ 95 33
CMS ${}\geq{}3{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop7, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}} - {\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 175 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ = 200 GeV, BR( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit Z}}$) = BR( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit H}}$) = 50$\%$
$> 730$ 95 34
CMS 1 or 2 ${{\mathit \gamma}}$ + ${{\mathit \ell}}$ + jets, GGM, Tstop12, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 150 GeV
$> 650$ 95 34
CMS 1 or 2 ${{\mathit \gamma}}$ + ${{\mathit \ell}}$ + jets, GGM, Tstop12, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 500 GeV
$> 1000$ 95 35
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=0 GeV
$> 500$ 95 35
CMS jets+$\not E_T$,Tstop4,${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=420 GeV
$> 510$ 95 36
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV
$> 800$ 95 37
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$> 750$ 95 37
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$> 1050$ 95 37
CMS Combination of all-hadronic, 1 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ and ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ searches, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$> 1000$ 95 37
CMS Combination of all-hadronic, 1 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ and ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ searches, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$> 1200$ 95 37
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.5 (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$), ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \ell}}}}$ = 0.5 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ , ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$> 1300$ 95 37
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.5 (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$), ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \ell}}}}$ = 0.95 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ , ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$\text{none 460 - 1060}$ 95 37
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + ${{\mathit b}}$-jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.5 (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$), ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \ell}}}}$ = 0.05 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ , ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$> 1020$ 95 38
CMS top quark (hadronically decaying) + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 420$ 95 39
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV
$> 560$ 95 39
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 80 GeV
$> 540$ 95 39
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$, Tstop10, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 40 GeV
$> 590$ 95 39
CMS Combination of all-hadronic and 1 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ searches, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 30 GeV
$> 670$ 95 39
CMS Combination of all-hadronic and 1 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ searches, Tstop10, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 60 GeV
$> 450$ 95 40
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit W}}}$
$\text{none 225 - 325}$ 95 40
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 2 ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit W}}}$
$\text{none 210 - 690}$ 95 40
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ , Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$\text{none 250 - 600}$ 95 40
CMS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ , Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 700$ 95 41
ATLS same-sign ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ $/$ 3 ${{\mathit \ell}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop11, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$ = ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ + 100 GeV
$>880$ 95 42
ATLS ${{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, mixture Tstop1 and Tstop2 with BR=50$\%$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}} - {\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV
$\text{none 250 - 1000}$ 95 43
ATLS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$\text{none 450 - 850}$ 95 44
ATLS jets+$\not E_T$, mixture of Tstop1 and Tstop2 with BR=50$\%$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV
$>720$ 95 45
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$>400$ 95 46
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + $\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 40 GeV
$>430$ 95 47
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + $\not E_T$, Tstop1 (offshell ${{\mathit t}}$), ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $\sim{}{\mathit m}_{{{\mathit W}}}$
$>700$ 95 48
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ + $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 10 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 750$ 95 49
CMS jets+$\not E_T$,Tstop1,${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=100GeV
$\text{none 250 - 740}$ 95 50
CMS jets+${{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 610$ 95 51
CMS jets+${{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, mixture Tstop1 and Tstop2 with BR=50$\%$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 60 GeV
$>590$ 95 52
CMS 1 or more jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop8, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 100 GeV
$\text{none 280 - 640}$ 95 52
CMS 1 or more jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 350$ 95 52
CMS 1 or more jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$>280$ 95 52
CMS 1 or more jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop3, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$>320$ 95 52
CMS 1 or more jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop9, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$> 240$ 95 53
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV
$> 225$ 95 54
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop3, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV
$> 325$ 95 55
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.25 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + 0.75 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 225 GeV
$> 400$ 95 56
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.75 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + 0.25 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 500$ 95 57
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1120$ 95 58
CMS 1${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1000$ 95 58
CMS 1${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 980$ 95 58
CMS 1${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop8, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1040$ 95 59
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 750$ 95 59
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 940$ 95 59
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop8, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 100 GeV
$> 540$ 95 59
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop3, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$> 480$ 95 59
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$> 530$ 95 59
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop10, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$> 1070$ 95 60
CMS ${}\geq{}$1 jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 900$ 95 60
CMS ${}\geq{}$1 jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 1020$ 95 60
CMS ${}\geq{}$1jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop8, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 100 GeV
$> 540$ 95 60
CMS ${}\geq{}$1 jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$\text{none 280 - 830}$ 95 61
CMS 0, 1 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$+jets+$\not E_T$ (combination), Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$>700$ 95 61
CMS 0, 1 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$+jets+$\not E_T$ (combination), Tstop8, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 100 GeV
$> 160$ 95 61
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop4, 10 $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV
$\text{none 230 - 960}$ 95 62
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 990$ 95 62
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tsbot1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$>323$ 95 63
ATLS ${}\geq{}$1 jet + $\not E_T$, Tstop4, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV
$\text{none, 745 - 780}$ 95 64
ATLS 1 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + ${}\geq{}$4 jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$\text{> 490 - 650}$ 95 65
ATLS 2${{\mathit \ell}}$ (including hadronic ${{\mathit \tau}}$) + $\not E_T$, Tstop5, 87 GeV$<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}}}<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$
$> 700$ 95 66
CMS 1 or 2 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$+jets+${{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 250 GeV
$>700$ 95 66
CMS 1 or 2 ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$+jets+${{\mathit b}}$-jets $\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.75 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ + 0.25 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$
$>775$ 95 67
CMS jets+$\not E_T$,Tstop1,${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}<$200GeV
$>620$ 95 67
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop2, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=0 GeV
$> 800$ 95 68
CMS jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=0 GeV
$> 316$ 95 69
CMS 1 or 2 soft ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, Tstop3,${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=25 GeV
$>250$ 95 70
ATLS B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$)+B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$) = 1, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV
$>270$ 95 70
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$=80 GeV
$\text{none, 200 - 700}$ 95 70
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$>500$ 95 70
ATLS B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$) + B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$) = 1, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit W}^{(*)}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 2${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 160 GeV
$>600$ 95 70
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 180 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$>600$ 95 70
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit h}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 180 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$\text{none, 172.5 - 191}$ 95 71
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV
$>450$ 95 72
CMS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $>$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit t}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$
$>560$ 95 73
CMS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $>$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit t}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$
$>250$ 95 74
CMS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}<$10 GeV
$>730$ 95 75
CMS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 100 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $>$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit t}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$
$\text{none 400 - 645}$ 95 75
CMS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ or ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 100 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV
$\text{none 270 - 645}$ 95 76
ATLS ${}\geq{}$4 jets + $\not E_T$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 30 GeV
$\text{none 250 - 550}$ 95 76
ATLS ${}\geq{}$4 jets + $\not E_T$, B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$) = 50 $\%$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 2 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 60 GeV
$\text{none 210 - 640}$ 95 77
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV
$> 500$ 95 77
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$ + jets + $\not E_T$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 2 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, 100 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 150 GeV
$\text{none 150 - 445}$ 95 78
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ final state, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 10 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV
$\text{none 215 - 530}$ 95 78
ATLS ${{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}{{\mathit \ell}^{\mp}}$ final state, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV
$> 270$ 95 79
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 200 GeV
$> 240$ 95 79
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}},{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}<$85 GeV
$> 255$ 95 79
ATLS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}\approx{}{\mathit m}_{{{\mathit b}}}$
$> 400$ 95 80
CMS jets + $\not E_T$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ simplified model, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 50 GeV
CMS ${}\geq{}3{{\mathit \ell}^{\pm}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ( ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $/$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$), ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ( ${{\mathit q}}{{\mathit q}^{\,'}}$ $/$ ${{\mathit \ell}}{{\mathit \nu}}$) ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ( ${{\mathit H}}$ $/$ ${{\mathit Z}}$) ${{\widetilde{\mathit G}}}$, GMSB, natural higgsino NLSP scenario
• • We do not use the following data for averages, fits, limits, etc. • •
$>850$ 95 82
ATLS 2${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+${{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop6, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0
$>800$ 95 83
ATLS 2${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+${{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop7 with 100$\%$ decays via ${{\mathit Z}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 50 GeV
$> 880$ 95 84
ATLS 2${{\mathit \ell}}$+jets+${{\mathit b}}$-jets+$\not E_T$, Tstop7 with 100$\%$ decays via higgs, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 50 GeV
ATLS jets+$\not E_T$, pMSSM-inspired
THEO ${{\mathit W}}{{\mathit W}}$ xsection, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\mathit W}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $\simeq{}{\mathit m}_{{{\mathit b}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit W}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$
$> 600$ 95 86
ATLS ${{\mathit Z}}+{{\mathit b}}$ $\not E_T$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}<$ 200 GeV
$> 540$ 95 86
ATLS ${{\mathit Z}}+{{\mathit b}}$ $\not E_T$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit G}}}$, natural GMSB, 100 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−$10 GeV
$> 360$ 95 87
CMS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$r, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit H}}{{\widetilde{\mathit G}}}$ simplified model, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV,GMSB
$> 215$ 95
${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\mathit \chi}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit \chi}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}<$ 10 GeV
CMS ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit H}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ or ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ simplified model
1  HAYRAPETYAN 2023E searched in 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of gluino, top squark and electroweakino pair production in events with at least one photon, multiple jets, and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set in models for strong production, Tglu4D, Tglu4E, Tglu4F and Tstop13, see their figure 9. They also interpret the results in the models for electroweak production, shown in their figure 10. Tchi1n1A assumes wino-like ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ production, while Tchi1chi1A assumes higgsino-like cross sections and includes ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1,2}}}^{0}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ production. For ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ alone no mass point can be excluded in the model Tchi1chi1A, but in another model for ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ production, Tn1n2A.
2  TUMASYAN 2023AB searched in 138 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of top squark pair production in a final state with at least one hadronically decaying tau lepton and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the mass of ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ for the model Tstop16, see their Figure 9. The exclusion limits are not very sensitive to the choice of the ${{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}}$ mass parameter, chosen between 0.25 $<$ (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}})/({\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$) $<$ 0.75 because of the complementary nature of the signal diagrams.
3  TUMASYAN 2023K searched in 138 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of top squark pair production in events with a high-momentum jet, an electron or muon with low transverse momentum, and significant $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the top squark mass in the simplified model Tstop3 for 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}–{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV, see their Figure 10.
4  TUMASYAN 2022Q searched in up to 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of electroweakino and top squark pair production with a small mass difference between the produced supersymmetric particles and the lightest neutralino in events with two or three low-momentum leptons and missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the mass of ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ in the model Tchi1n2F, see their Figure 8. Limits are also set in a higgsino simplified model with both ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ production, where ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ and ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 1/2(${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$). A model inspired by the pMSSM is used for further interpretations in the case of a higgsino LSP, see their Figure 9. Limits are also set on the mass of the top squark in the models Tstop2 and Tstop3, see their Figure 10.
5  AAD 2021AW searched in 139 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for pair production of stops in events with one or two hadronically decaying ${{\mathit \tau}}$ leptons, jets, ${{\mathit b}}$-jets and $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model predictions is observed. Limits are set on the ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ mass as a function of the ${{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}_{{{1}}}}$ in the Tstop5 scenario. See their Fig. 8.
6  AAD 2021O searched in 139 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for pair production of top squarks in events with one electron or muon, jets, and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the top squark mass in the Tstop1 and Tstop3 simplified models and dark matter models, see their Figures 13, 14 and 15.
7  AAD 2021P searched in 139 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for pair production of top squarks in events with two opposite-sign leptons, jets, and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the top squark mass in the Tstop1, Tstop2, and Tstop3 simplified models, see their Figures 14.
8  SIRUNYAN 2021AD searched in 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for supersymmetry in events with multiple jets, no leptons, and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the top squark mass in the simplified models Tstop1, Tstop2 with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = (${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$)/2, and a 50:50 mixture of these with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, see their Figure 8. Limits are also set on the top squark mass for 10 GeV $<$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $<$ 80 GeV in the simplified models Tstop2, Tstop 3, and Tstop4, see their Figure 9. For indirect top squark production, limits are set on the gluino mass in the simplified models Tglu3A, Tglu3C with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 20 GeV, and Tglu3D with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, see their Figure 10.
9  SIRUNYAN 2021B searched in 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for the pair production of top squarks in events with two oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons), jets identified as originating from a ${{\mathit b}}$-quark and significant $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1, Tstop2 and Tstop11 simplified models, see their Figures 6 and 7.
10  TUMASYAN 2021I searched in 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of top squarks in events with at least two jets and large $\not E_T$, categorized into events with 0, 1, or 2 leptons. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the top squark mass in the simplified model Tstop1 in the top corridor $\vert {\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $−$ 175 GeV$\vert $ $<$ 30 GeV using dilepton events, see their Figure 7. Limits are also set for a combination of earlier searches with 0, 1, and 2 leptons in the models Tstop1, Tstop2 and a 50:50 mixture of these models, see their Figure 9. The results are interpreted in an alternative signal model of dark matter production via a spin-0 mediator in association with a top quark pair as well.
11  AABOUD 2020 searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing one electron-muon pair with opposite charge. The search targets a region of parameter space where the kinematics of top squark pair production and top quark pair production is very similar and makes use of the double-differential angular distributions of the leptons. No excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1 model, see Figures 16 and 17.
12  AAD 2020AS searched in 139 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of top squarks in events containing either a pair of jets consistent with SM Higgs boson decay into ${{\mathit b}}$-quarks or a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair with an invariant mass consistent with a ${{\mathit Z}}$ boson. No significant excess over the expected background is observed. Limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set in Tstop6 simplified model. Assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ masses up to 1220 GeV are excluded for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$ around 900 GeV. Limits reduce down to ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ masses up to 900 GeV for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$=130 GeV. See their Fig. 10. Limits are presented also in case of B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}{{\mathit h}}$) = 0 and 1, see their Fig. 11.
13  AAD 2020AS searched in 139 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of top squarks in events containing either a pair of jets consistent with SM Higgs boson decay into b-quarks or a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair with an invariant mass consistent with a ${{\mathit Z}}$ boson. No significant excess over the expected background is observed. Limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set in simplified model featuring ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ pair production, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}{{\mathit Z}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$. Assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 300 GeV, and a mass difference between ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ of 40 GeV, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ masses up to 860 GeV are excluded. See their Fig. 12.
14  AAD 2020S searched in 139 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing multiple jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on top squark masses in the Tstop1 model up to 1250 GeV for lightest neutralino masses below 200 GeV. Additional constraints are set in the case where ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $\sim{}{\mathit m}_{{{\mathit t}}}$ for which top squark masses in the range $300 - 630$ GeV are excluded. See their Fig. 13.
15  AAD 2020S searched in 139 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing multiple jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on top squark masses in the Tstop3 model in the range $300 - 660$ GeV. In case ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ $\sim{}$ 5 GeV or above, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ below 500 GeV are excluded. See their Fig. 13(b).
16  AAD 2020V searched in 139 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with two same-sign charged leptons (electrons or muons) and jets. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on the top squark mass up to 765 GeV assuming ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ with ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}{{\mathit W}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}{{\mathit W}}$. Masses of the charginos and lightest neutralinos are set as ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $−$ 275 GeV, ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$ = ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ + 100 GeV and ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $\sim{}{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$. See their Fig. 8(b).
17  SIRUNYAN 2020AH searched in 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for pair production of top squarks in events with a single isolated electron or muon, multiple jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1, Tstop2 and Tstop8 simplified models, see Figures 6, 7 and 8, respectively.
18  SIRUNYAN 2020T searched in 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least two jets, and two isolated same-sign or three or more charged leptons (electrons or muons). No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu3A, Tglu3B, Tglu3C and Tglu3D simplified models, see their Figure 7, and in the Tglu1C and Tglu1B simplified models, see their Figures 8 and 9. Limits are also set on the sbottom mass in the Tsbot2 simplified model, see their Figure 10, and on the stop mass in the Tstop7 simplified model, see their Figure 11. Finally, limits are set on the gluino mass in RPV simplified models where the gluino decays either via ${{\widetilde{\mathit g}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit q}}{{\mathit q}}{{\overline{\mathit q}}}{{\overline{\mathit q}}}{+}$ ${{\mathit e}}$ $/$ ${{\mathit \mu}}$ $/$ ${{\mathit \tau}}$ or via ${{\widetilde{\mathit g}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\mathit b}}{{\mathit s}}$, see Figure 12.
19  SIRUNYAN 2020U searched in 77.2 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for the pair production of top squarks in events with two hadronically decaying taus, jets identified as originating from a ${{\mathit b}}$-quark and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop11 simplified model assuming the final state leptons are taus. Different values of the scalar tau mass are considered; the impact on the lower bound is negligible.
20  SIRUNYAN 2019AU searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at last one photon, jets, some of which are identified as originating from ${{\mathit b}}$-quarks, and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. In the framework of GMSB, limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu4C, Tglu4D and Tglu4E simplified models, and on the top squark mass in the Tstop13 simplified model, see their Figure 5.
21  SIRUNYAN 2019CH searched in 137 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing multiple jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu1A, Tglu1C, Tglu2A and Tglu3A simplified models, see their Figure 13. Limits are also set on squark, sbottom and stop masses in the Tsqk1, Tsbot1, Tstop1 simplified models, see their Figure 14.
22  SIRUNYAN 2019S searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with zero or one charged leptons, jets and $\not E_T$. The razor variables (${{\mathit M}_{{{R}}}}$ and ${{\mathit R}^{2}}$) are used to categorize the events. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu3A and Tglu3C simplified models, see Figures 22 and 23, and on the stop mass in the Tstop1 simplified model, see their Figure 24.
23  SIRUNYAN 2019U searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing one electron-muon pair with opposite charge. The search targets a region of parameter space where the kinematics of top squark pair production and top quark pair production is very similar, due to the mass difference between the top squark and the neutralino being close to the top quark mass. No excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1 model, with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ close to ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit t}}}$, see Figure 5.
24  AABOUD 2018AQ searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated electron or muon, several energetic jets, and missing transverse momentum. No significant excess over the Standard Model prediction is observed. In case of Tstop1 models, top squark masses up to 940 GeV are excluded assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV, see their Fig. 20. If the top quark is not on-shell (3-body) decay, exclusions up to 500 GeV are obtained for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 300 GeV. Exclusions as a function of ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ are given in their Fig. 21.
25  AABOUD 2018AQ searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated electron or muon, several energetic jets, and missing transverse momentum. No significant excess over the Standard Model prediction is observed. In case of Tstop3 models (4-body), top squark masses up to 370 GeV are excluded for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ as low as 20 GeV. Top squark masses below 195 GeV are excluded for all ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, see their Fig. 20 and Fig. 21.
26  AABOUD 2018AQ searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated electron or muon, several energetic jets, and missing transverse momentum. No significant excess over the Standard Model prediction is observed. In case of Tstop2 models, top squark masses up to 840 GeV are excluded for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 10 GeV. See their Fig. 23. Exclusion limits for this decay mode are presented also in the context of Higgsino-LSP phenomenological MSSM models, where ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, see their Fig 26.
27  AABOUD 2018BV searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least one jet identified as ${{\mathit c}}$-jet, large missing transverse energy and no leptons. Good agreement is observed between the number of events in data and Standard Model predictions. The results are translated into exclusion limits in Tstop4 models. In scenarios with differences of the stop and neutralino masses below 100 GeV, stop masses below 500 GeV are excluded. See their Fig.6 and Fig.7.
28  AABOUD 2018BV searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least one jet identified as ${{\mathit c}}$-jet, large missing transverse energy and no leptons. Good agreement is observed between the number of events in data and Standard Model predictions. The results are translated into exclusion limits in Tstop1 models. In scenarios with massless neutralinos, top squark masses below 850 GeV are excluded. See their Fig.6.
29  AABOUD 2018I searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least one jet with a transverse momentum above 250 GeV and no leptons. Good agreement is observed between the number of events in data and Standard Model predictions. The results are translated into exclusion limits in Tstop3 models. Stop masses below 390 GeV are excluded for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = ${\mathit m}_{{{\mathit b}}}$. See their Fig.9(b).
30  AABOUD 2018I searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least one jet with a transverse momentum above 250 GeV and no leptons. Good agreement is observed between the number of events in data and Standard Model predictions. The results are translated into exclusion limits in Tstop4 models. In scenarios with differences of the stop and neutralino masses around 5 GeV, stop masses below 430 GeV are excluded. See their Fig.9(a).
31  AABOUD 2018Y searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for direct pair production of top squarks in final states with two tau leptons, ${{\mathit b}}$-jets, and missing transverse momentum. At least one hadronic ${{\mathit \tau}}$ is required. No significant deviation from the SM predictions is observed in the data. The analysis results are interpreted in Tstop5 models with a nearly massless gravitino. Top squark masses up to 1.16 TeV and tau slepton masses up to 1 TeV are excluded, see their Fig 7.
32  SIRUNYAN 2018AJ searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing two low-momentum, oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons) and $\not E_T$. No excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the wino mass in the Tchi1n2F simplified model, see their Figure 5. Limits are also set on the stop mass in the Tstop10 simplified model, see their Figure 6. Finally, limits are set on the Higgsino mass in the Tchi1n2G simplified model, see Figure 8 and in the pMSSM, see Figure 7.
33  SIRUNYAN 2018AL searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least three charged leptons, in any combination of electrons and muons, jets and significant $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu3A and Tglu1C simplified models, see their Figure 5. Limits are also set on the sbottom mass in the Tsbot2 simplified model, see their Figure 6, and on the stop mass in the Tstop7 simplified model, see their Figure 7.
34  SIRUNYAN 2018AN searched in 19.7 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing one or two photons and a pair of top quarks from the decay of a pair of top squark in a natural gauge-mediated scenario. The final state consists of a lepton (electron or muon), jets and one or two photons. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop12 simplified model, see their Figure 6.
35  SIRUNYAN 2018AY searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing one or more jets and significant $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu1A, Tglu2A and Tglu3A simplified models, see their Figure 3. Limits are also set on squark, sbottom and stop masses in the Tsqk1, Tsbot1, Tstop1 and Tstop4 simplified models, see their Figure 3. Finally, limits are set on long-lived gluino masses in a Tglu1A simplified model where the gluino is metastable or long-lived with proper decay lengths in the range $10^{-3}$ mm $<$ c${{\mathit \tau}}$ $<$ $10^{5}$ mm, see their Figure 4.
36  SIRUNYAN 2018B searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for the pair production of third-generation squarks in events with jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the sbottom mass in the Tsbot1 simplified model, see their Figure 5, and on the stop mass in the Tstop4 simplified model, see their Figure 6.
37  SIRUNYAN 2018C searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for the pair production of top squarks in events with two oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons), jets identified as originating from a ${{\mathit b}}$-quark and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1, Tstop2 and Tstop11 simplified models, see their Figures 11 and 12. The Tstop1 and Tstop2 results are combined with complementary searches in the all-hadronic and single lepton channels, see their Figures 13 and 14.
38  SIRUNYAN 2018D searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing identified hadronically decaying top quarks, no leptons, and $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1 simplified model, see their Figure 8, and on the gluino mass in the Tglu3A, Tglu3B, Tglu3C and Tglu3E simplified models, see their Figure 9.
39  SIRUNYAN 2018DI searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for pair production of top squarks in events with a low transverse momentum lepton (electron or muon), a high-momentum jet and significant missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop3 and Tstop10 simplified models, see their Figures 7 and 8. A combination of this search with the all-hadronic search is presented in Figure 9.
40  SIRUNYAN 2018DN searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for direct electroweak production of charginos and for pair production of top squarks in events with two leptons (electrons or muons) of the opposite electric charge. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the chargino mass in the Tchi1chi1C and Tchi1chi1E simplified models, see their Figure 8. Limits are also set on the stop mass in the Tstop1 and Tstop2 simplified models, see their Figure 9.
41  AABOUD 2017AJ searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with two same-sign or three leptons, jets and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits up to 700 GeV are set on the top squark mass in Tstop11 simplified models, assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ 275 GeV and ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$ = ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ + 100 GeV. See their Figure 4(e).
42  AABOUD 2017AX searched in 36 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing two jets identified as originating from ${{\mathit b}}$-quarks and large missing transverse momentum, with or without leptons. No excess of events above the expected level of Standard Model background was found. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on the masses of top squarks. Assuming 50$\%$ BR for Tstop1 and Tstop2 simplified models, a ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ mass below 880 (860) GeV is excluded for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 ($<$250) GeV. See their Fig. 7(b).
43  AABOUD 2017AY searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least four jets and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits in the range $250 - 1000$ GeV are set on the top squark mass in Tstop1 simplified models. For the first time, additional constraints are set for the region ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$ $\sim{}{\mathit m}_{{{\mathit t}}}$ + ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, with exclusion of the ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ mass range $235 - 590$ GeV. See their Figure 8.
44  AABOUD 2017AY searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least four jets and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits in the range 450-850 GeV are set on the top squark mass in a mixture of Tstop1 and Tstop2 simplified models with BR=50$\%$ and assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 1 GeV and $m_{\chi^0_1}<240\,$GeV. Constraints are given for various values of the BR. See their Figure 9.
45  AABOUD 2017BE searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with two opposite-charge leptons (electrons and muons) and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits up to 720 GeV are set on the top squark mass in Tstop1 simplified models, assuming massless neutralinos. See their Figure 9 (2-body area).
46  AABOUD 2017BE searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with two opposite-charge leptons (electrons and muons) and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits up to 400 GeV are set on the top squark mass in Tstop3 simplified models, assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 40 GeV. See their Figure 9 (4-body area).
47  AABOUD 2017BE searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with two opposite-charge leptons (electrons and muons) and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits up to 430 GeV are set on the top squark mass in Tstop1 simplified models where top quarks are offshell, assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ close to the ${{\mathit W}}$ mass. See their Figure 9 (3-body area).
48  AABOUD 2017BE searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with two opposite-charge leptons (electrons and muons) and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits up to 700 GeV are set on the top squark mass in Tstop2 simplified models, assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−{\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 10 GeV and massless neutralinos. See their Figure 10.
49  KHACHATRYAN 2017 searched in 2.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing four or more jets, no more than one lepton, and missing transverse momentum, using the razor variables (${{\mathit M}_{{{R}}}}$ and ${{\mathit R}^{2}}$) to discriminate between signal and background processes. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the stop mass in the Tstop1 simplified model, see Fig. 17.
50  KHACHATRYAN 2017AD searched in 2.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing at least four jets (including ${{\mathit b}}$-jets), missing transverse momentum and tagged top quarks. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Top squark masses in the range $250 - 740$ GeV and neutralino masses up to 240 GeV are excluded at 95$\%$ C.L. See Fig. 12.
51  KHACHATRYAN 2017AD searched in 2.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events containing at least four jets (including ${{\mathit b}}$-jets), missing transverse momentum and tagged top quarks. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ mass in simplified models that are a mixture of Tstop1 and Tstop2 with branching fractions 50$\%$ for each of the two decay modes: top squark masses of up to 610 GeV and neutralino masses up to 190 GeV are excluded at 95$\%$ C.L. The ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ and the ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ are assumed to be nearly degenerate in mass, with a 5 GeV difference between their masses. See Fig. 12.
52  KHACHATRYAN 2017P searched in 2.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with one or more jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu1A, Tglu2A, Tglu3A, Tglu3B, Tglu3C and Tglu3D simplified models, see their Figures 7 and 8. Limits are also set on the squark mass in the Tsqk1 simplified model, see their Fig. 7, and on the sbottom mass in the Tsbot1 simplified model, see Fig. 8. Finally, limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1, Tstop3, Tstop4, Tstop6 and Tstop7 simplified models, see Fig. 8.
53  KHACHATRYAN 2017S searched in 18.5 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing multiple jets and missing transverse momentum, using the ${{\mathit \alpha}_{{{T}}}}$ variable to discriminate between signal and background processes. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the stop mass in the Tstop4 model: for $\Delta $m = ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ equal to 10 and 80 GeV, masses of stop below 240 and 260 GeV are excluded, respectively. See their Fig.3.
54  KHACHATRYAN 2017S searched in 18.5 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing multiple jets and missing transverse momentum, using the ${{\mathit \alpha}_{{{T}}}}$ variable to discriminate between signal and background processes. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the stop mass in the Tstop3 model: for $\Delta $m = ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ equal to 10 and 80 GeV, masses of stop below 225 and 130 GeV are excluded, respectively. See their Fig.3.
55  KHACHATRYAN 2017S searched in 18.5 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing multiple jets and missing transverse momentum, using the ${{\mathit \alpha}_{{{T}}}}$ variable to discriminate between signal and background processes. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the stop mass in the Tstop2 model: assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.25 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + 0.75 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, masses of stop up to 325 GeV and masses of the neutralino up to 225 GeV are excluded. See their Fig.3.
56  KHACHATRYAN 2017S searched in 18.5 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing multiple jets and missing transverse momentum, using the ${{\mathit \alpha}_{{{T}}}}$ variable to discriminate between signal and background processes. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the stop mass in the Tstop2 model: assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 0.75 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}}$ + 0.25 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, masses of stop up to 400 GeV are excluded for low neutralino masses. See their Fig.3.
57  KHACHATRYAN 2017S searched in 18.5 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing multiple jets and missing transverse momentum, using the ${{\mathit \alpha}_{{{T}}}}$ variable to discriminate between signal and background processes. No evidence for an excess over the expected background is observed. Limits are derived on the stop mass in the Tstop1 model: assuming masses of stop up to 500 GeV and masses of the neutralino up to 105 GeV are excluded. See their Fig.3.
58  SIRUNYAN 2017AS searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with a single lepton (electron or muon), jets, and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1, Tstop2 and Tstop8 simplified models, see their Figures 5, 6 and 7.
59  SIRUNYAN 2017AT searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for direct production of top squarks in events with jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1, Tstop2 , Tstop3, Tstop4, Tstop8 and Tstop10 simplified models, see their Figures 9 to 14.
60  SIRUNYAN 2017AZ searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with one or more jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu1A, Tglu2A, Tglu3A simplified models, see their Figures 6. Limits are also set on the squark mass in the Tsqk1 simplified model (for single light squark and for 8 degenerate light squarks), on the sbottom mass in the Tsbot1 simplified model and on the stop mass in the Tstop1 simplified model, see their Fig. 7. Finally, limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop2, Tstop4 and Tstop8 simplified models, see Fig. 8.
61  SIRUNYAN 2017K searched in 2.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for direct production of stop or sbottom pairs in events with multiple jets and significant $\not E_T$. A second search also requires an isolated lepton and is combined with the all-hadronic search. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1, Tstop8 and Tstop4 simplified models, see their Figures 7, 8 and 9 (for the Tstop4 limits, only the results of the all-hadronic search are used). Limits are also set on the sbottom mass in the Tsbot1 simplified model, see Fig. 10 (also here, only the results of the all-hadronic search are used).
62  SIRUNYAN 2017P searched in 35.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with multiple jets and large $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the gluino mass in the Tglu1A, Tglu1C, Tglu2A, Tglu3A and Tglu3D simplified models, see their Fig. 12. Limits are also set on the squark mass in the Tsqk1 simplified model, on the stop mass in the Tstop1 simplified model, and on the sbottom mass in the Tsbot1 simplified model, see Fig. 13.
63  AABOUD 2016D searched in 3.2 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV in events with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum. The results are interpreted as 95$\%$ C.L. limits on mass of stop decaying into a charm-quark and the lightest neutralino in scenarios with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ between 5 and 20 GeV. See their Fig. 5.
64  AABOUD 2016J searched in 3.2 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV in final states with one isolated electron or muon, jets, and missing transverse momentum. For the direct stop pair production model where the stop decays via top and lightest neutralino, the results exclude at 95$\%$ C.L. stop masses between 745 GeV and 780 GeV for a massless ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$. See their Fig. 8.
65  AAD 2016AY searched in 20 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events with either two hadronically decaying tau leptons, one hadronically decaying tau and one light lepton, or two light leptons. No significant excess over the Standard Model expectation is found. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. on the mass of top squarks decaying via ${{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}}$ to a nearly massless gravitino are placed depending on ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \tau}}}}$ which is ranging from the 87 GeV LEP limit to ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}$. See their Figs. 9 and 10.
66  KHACHATRYAN 2016AV searched in 19.7 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events with one or two isolated leptons, hadronic jets, ${{\mathit b}}$-jets and $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1 and Tstop2 simplified models, see Fig. 11.
67  KHACHATRYAN 2016BK searched in 18.9 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events with hadronic jets and $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1 and Tstop2 simplified models, see Fig. 16.
68  KHACHATRYAN 2016BS searched in 2.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least one energetic jet , no isolated leptons, and significant $\not E_T$, using the transverse mass variable ${{\mathit M}_{{{T2}}}}$ to discriminate between signal and background processes. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop1 simplified model, see Fig. 11 and Table 3.
69  KHACHATRYAN 2016Y searched in 19.7 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events with one or two soft isolated leptons, hadronic jets, and $\not E_T$. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in the Tstop3 simplified model, see Fig. 3.
70  AAD 2015CJ searched in 20 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for evidence of third generation squarks by combining a large number of searches covering various final states. Stop decays with and without charginos in the decay chain are considered and summaries of all ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct stop production can be found in Fig. 4 (no intermediate charginos) and Fig. 7 (intermediate charginos). Limits are set on stop masses in compressed mass regions regions, with B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$) + B( ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$) = 1, see Fig. 5. Limits are also set on stop masses assuming that both the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ are possible, with both their branching rations summing up to 1, assuming ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit W}^{(*)}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ and ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ = 2 ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$, see Fig. 6. Limits on the mass of the next-to-lightest stop ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$, decaying either to ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$, ${{\mathit h}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ or ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, are also presented, see Figs. 9 and 10.Interpretations in the pMSSM are also discussed, see Figs $13 - 15$.
71  AAD 2015J interpreted the measurement of spin correlations in ${{\mathit t}}{{\overline{\mathit t}}}$ production using 20.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV in exclusion limits on the pair production of light ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ squarks with masses similar to the top quark mass. The ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ is assumed to decay through ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ with predominantly right-handed top and a 100$\%$ branching ratio. The data are found to be consistent with the Standard Model expectations and masses between the top quark mass and 191 GeV are excluded, see their Fig. 2
72  KHACHATRYAN 2015AF searched in 19.5 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events with at least two energetic jets and significant $\not E_T$, using the transverse mass variable ${{\mathit M}_{{{T2}}}}$ to discriminate between signal and background processes. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in simplified models where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place with a branching ratio of 100$\%$, see Fig. 12. See also Table 5. Exclusions in the CMSSM, assuming tan ${{\mathit \beta}}$ = 30, $\mathit A_{0}$ = $−$2 max(${\mathit m}_{\mathrm {0}}$, ${\mathit m}_{\mathrm {1/2}}$) and ${{\mathit \mu}}$ $>$ 0, are also presented, see Fig. 15.
73  KHACHATRYAN 2015AH searched in 19.4 or 19.7 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing either a fully reconstructed top quark, or events containing dijets requiring one or both jets to originate from ${\mathit {\mathit b}}$-quarks, or events containing a mono-jet. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in simplified models where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place with a branching ratio of 100$\%$, see Fig. 9. Limits are also set in simplified models where the decays ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}} - {\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, each take place with a branching ratio of 50$\%$, see Fig. 10, or with other fractions, see Fig. 11. Finally, limits are set in a simplified model where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place with a branching ratio of 100$\%$, see Figs. 9, 10 and 11.
74  KHACHATRYAN 2015AH searched in 19.4 or 19.7 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing either a fully reconstructed top quark, or events containing dijets requiring one or both jets to originate from ${\mathit {\mathit b}}$-quarks, or events containing a mono-jet. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in simplified models where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place with a branching ratio of 100$\%$, see Fig. 9. Limits are also set in simplified models where the decays ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, each take place with a branching ratio of 50$\%$, see Fig. 10, or with other fractions, see Fig. 11. Finally, limits are set in a simplified model where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place with a branching ratio of 100$\%$, see Figs. 9, 10, and 11.
75  KHACHATRYAN 2015X searched in 19.3 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events with at least two energetic jets, at least one of which is required to originate from a ${\mathit {\mathit b}}$ quark, possibly a lepton, and significant $\not E_T$, using the razor variables ($\mathit M_{R}$ and $\mathit R{}^{2}$) to discriminate between signal and background processes. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in simplified models where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ and the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, with ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV, take place with branching ratios varying between 0 and 100$\%$, see Figs. 15, 16 and 17.
76  AAD 2014AJ searched in 20.1 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing four or more jets and large missing transverse momentum. No excess of events above the expected level of Standard Model background was found. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on the masses of third-generation squarks in simplified models which either assume that the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place 100$\%$ of the time, see Fig. 8, or that this decay takes place 50$\%$ of the time, while the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ takes place the other 50$\%$ of the time, see Fig. 9.
77  AAD 2014BD searched in 20 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing one isolated lepton, jets and large missing transverse momentum. No excess of events above the expected level of Standard Model background was found. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on the masses of third-generation squarks in simplified models which either assume that the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place 100$\%$ of the time, see Fig. 15, or the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ takes place 100$\%$ of the time, see Fig. $16 - 22$. For the mixed decay scenario, see Fig. 23.
78  AAD 2014F searched in 20.3 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing two leptons (${{\mathit e}}$ or ${{\mathit \mu}}$), and possibly jets and missing transverse momentum. No excess of events above the expected level of Standard Model background was found. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on the masses of third-generation squarks in simplified models which either assume that the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ takes place 100$\%$ of the time, see Figs. $14 - 17$ and 20, or that the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place 100$\%$ of the time, see Figs. 18 and 19.
79  AAD 2014T searched in 20.3 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for monojet-like and ${{\mathit c}}$-tagged events. No excess of events above the expected level of Standard Model background was found. Exclusion limits at 95$\%$ C.L. are set on the masses of third-generation squarks in simplified models which assume that the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit c}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place 100$\%$ of the time, see Fig. 9 and 10. The results of the monojet-like analysis are also interpreted in terms of stop pair production in the four-body decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, see Fig. 11.
80  CHATRCHYAN 2014AH searched in 4.7 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 7 TeV for events with at least two energetic jets and significant $\not E_T$, using the razor variables (${{\mathit M}_{{{R}}}}$ and ${{\mathit R}^{2}}$) to discriminate between signal and background processes. A second analysis requires at least one of the jets to be originating from a ${{\mathit b}}$-quark. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on sbottom masses in simplified models where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ takes place with a branching ratio of 100$\%$, see Figs. 28 and 29. Exclusions in the CMSSM, assuming tan $\beta $ = 10, ${{\mathit A}_{{{0}}}}$ = 0 and ${{\mathit \mu}}$ $>$0, are also presented, see Fig. 26.
81  CHATRCHYAN 2014R searched in 19.5 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events with at least three leptons (electrons, muons, taus) in the final state. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the stop mass in a natural higgsino NLSP simplified model (GMSB) where the decay ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, with ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ( ${{\mathit q}}{{\mathit q}^{\,'}}$ $/$ ${{\mathit \ell}}{{\mathit \nu}}$) ${{\mathit H}}$ , ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit G}}}$, takes place with a branching ratio of 100$\%$ (the particles between brackets have a soft $p_T$ spectrum), see Figs. $4 - 6$.
82  AABOUD 2017AF searched in 36 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of top squarks in events containing 2 leptons, jets, ${{\mathit b}}$-jets and $\not E_T$. In Tstop6 model, assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 0 GeV, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ masses up to 850 GeV are excluded for ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$ $>$ 200 GeV.
83  AABOUD 2017AF searched in 36 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ in events containing 2 leptons, jets, ${{\mathit b}}$-jets and $\not E_T$. In Tstop7 model, assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 50 GeV and 100$\%$ decays via ${{\mathit Z}}$ boson, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ masses up to 800 GeV are excluded. Exclusion limits are also shown as a function of the ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ branching ratios in their Figure 7.
84  AABOUD 2017AF searched in 36 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for evidence of ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ in events containing 2 leptons, jets, ${{\mathit b}}$-jets and $\not E_T$. In Tstop7 model, assuming ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 50 GeV and 100$\%$ decays via higgs boson, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ masses up to 880 GeV are excluded. Exclusion limits are also shown as a function of the ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ branching ratios in their Figure 7.
85  AABOUD 2017AY searched in 36.1 ${\mathrm {fb}}{}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 13 TeV for events with at least four jets and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess above the Standard Model expectations is observed. Limits are set on the top squark mass assuming three pMSSM-inspired models. The first one, referred to as Higgsino LSP model, assumes ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 5 GeV and ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{2}}}^{0}}}$ $−$ ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}}$ = 10 GeV, with a mixture of decay modes as in Tstop1, Tstop2 and Tstop6. See their Figure 10. The second and third models are referred to as Wino NLSP and well-tempered pMSSM models, respectively. See their Figure 11 and Figure 12, and text for details on assumptions.
86  AAD 2014B searched in 20.3 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for events containing a ${{\mathit Z}}$ boson, with or without additional leptons, plus jets originating from ${{\mathit b}}$-quarks and significant missing transverse momentum. No excess over the expected SM background is observed. Limits are derived in simplified models featuring ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ production, with ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$, ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ with a 100$\%$ branching ratio, see Fig. 4, and in the framework of natural GMSB, see Fig. 6.
87  CHATRCHYAN 2014U searched in 19.7 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for evidence of direct pair production of top squarks, with Higgs bosons in the decay chain. The search is performed using a selection of events containing two Higgs bosons, each decaying to a photon pair, missing transverse energy and possibly ${{\mathit b}}$-quark jets. No significant excesses over the expected SM backgrounds are observed. The results are interpreted in the context of a ``natural SUSY'' simplified model where the decays ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit b}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$, with ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{\pm}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit f}}{{\mathit f}^{\,'}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$, and ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit H}}{{\widetilde{\mathit G}}}$, all happen with 100$\%$ branching ratio, see Fig. 4.
88  KHACHATRYAN 2014C searched in 19.5 fb${}^{-1}$ of ${{\mathit p}}{{\mathit p}}$ collisions at $\sqrt {s }$ = 8 TeV for evidence of direct pair production of top squarks, with Higgs or ${{\mathit Z}}$-bosons in the decay chain. The search is performed using a selection of events containing leptons and ${{\mathit b}}$-quark jets. No significant excesses over the expected SM backgrounds are observed. The results are interpreted in the context of a simplified model with pair production of a heavier top-squark mass eigenstate ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ decaying to a lighter top-squark eigenstate ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ via either ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit H}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ or ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit Z}}{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$, followed in both cases by ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit t}}{{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$. The interpretation is performed in the region where the mass difference between the ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ and ${{\widetilde{\mathit \chi}}_{{{1}}}^{0}}$ is approximately equal to the top-quark mass, which is not probed by searches for direct ${{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}$ pair production, see Figs. 5 and 6. The analysis excludes top squarks with masses ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{2}}}}}<$ 575 GeV and ${\mathit m}_{{{\widetilde{\mathit t}}_{{{1}}}}}<$ 400 GeV at 95$\%$ C.L.