${{\mathit \Sigma}}$ BARYONS ($\mathit S$ = $-1$, $\mathit I$ = 1) |
${{\mathit \Sigma}^{+}}$ = ${\mathit {\mathit u}}$ ${\mathit {\mathit u}}$ ${\mathit {\mathit s}}$, ${{\mathit \Sigma}^{0}}$ = ${\mathit {\mathit u}}$ ${\mathit {\mathit d}}$ ${\mathit {\mathit s}}$, ${{\mathit \Sigma}^{-}}$ = ${\mathit {\mathit d}}$ ${\mathit {\mathit d}}$ ${\mathit {\mathit s}}$ |
**** | Existence is certain, and properties are at least fairly explored. |
*** | Existence ranges from very likely to certain, but further confirmation is desirable and/or quantum numbers, branching fractions, etc. are not well determined. |
** | Evidence of existence is only fair. |
* | Evidence of existence is poor. |
Except where otherwise noted, content of the 2024 Review of Particle Physics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. The publication of the Review of Particle Physics is supported by US DOE, MEXT (Japan), INFN (Italy) and CERN. Individual collaborators receive support for their PDG activities from their respective institutes or funding agencies. © 2024. See LBNL disclaimers.