${{\mathit D}_{{{s}}}^{+}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit \phi}}{{\mathit \pi}^{+}}$  Decay Mode Summary INSPIRE   PDGID:
Mode (*) Fraction ($\Gamma_i$ / $\Gamma$) Scale Factor/
Conf. Level
$\Gamma_{48}$ ${{\mathit D}_{{{s}}}^{+}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit \phi}}{{\mathit \pi}^{+}}$ ($4.5$ $\pm0.4$) $ \times 10^{-2}$ 712
Category: Hadronic modes with a ${{\mathit K}}{{\overline{\mathit K}}}$ pair
Note: This branching fraction includes all the decay modes of the final-state resonance.
Note: We decouple the ${{\mathit D}_{{{s}}}^{+}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit \phi}}{{\mathit \pi}^{+}}$ branching fraction obtained from mass projections (and used to get some of the other branching fractions) from the ${{\mathit D}_{{{s}}}^{+}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit \phi}}{{\mathit \pi}^{+}}$, ${{\mathit \phi}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit K}^{+}}{{\mathit K}^{-}}$ branching fraction obtained from the Dalitz-plot analysis of ${{\mathit D}_{{{s}}}^{+}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit K}^{+}}{{\mathit K}^{-}}{{\mathit \pi}^{+}}$. That is, the ratio of these two branching fractions is not exactly the ${{\mathit \phi}}$ $\rightarrow$ ${{\mathit K}^{+}}{{\mathit K}^{-}}$ branching fraction 0.491.
The following data is related to the above value:
▸ expand all datablocks